Email Collection Popup.
1. Add Email Collection Popup To Your Website [Red].
Login to your Send With SES account and go to 'Email Collection Popup' section.
Copy the code similar to one shown in red box in above image.
It is very IMPORTANT that you paste this code between the
tags of your page. If you paste the code outside the<body>
tags it will prevent your popup from appearing correctly.
Example HTML page BEFORE the email collection popup code has been added
Example HTML page AFTER the email collection popup code has been added
The 'Email Collection Popup' shows up at the bottom-right of your website.
2. Design Email Collection Popup [Green].
Toggle button above 'Email Collection Popup' to enable it. Click anywhere inside and type your desired help text. Highlight any part of the text for rich formatting options.
By default the Email Collection Popup only has the 'Email Field' enabled. You can include 'Phone Number' and 'Message Box' by selecting toggle buttons in the 'Popup Designer'.
When 'Message Box' is enabled you can optionally forward any messages from end users to your support email. To do so enter your support email in the 'Messages Forward Email' box.
You can change the background and text colors of the 'Email Collection Popup' to match your website theme.
3. Confirmation and Welcome Emails [Blue].
When a visitor to your website enters their email, they are first sent a confirmation link (also called as 'Double-Opt-In').
Once user clicks the confirmation link, their email is automatically inserted into your contacts list.
After the user clicks the confirmation link they can optionally be sent a 'Welcome Email'. You need to enable and compose 'Welcome Email'. See blue box in reference image at top.
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